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Ferga Hira Mc Manus

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist

Ferga Hira Mc Manus

Let me start by saying I truly love this work!

BCST is a subtle modality which can be explained in many different ways.

It can be described as a light touch bodywork therapy - that is, it is body based. During a session, certain changes and shifts happen. This might be felt as a sense of release in physical tension, emotional or mental stress and can be experienced as a felt sense in the body.

Having said that, the actual sense of a more universal expansive reality, bigger than the confines of the physical body, does become tangible.

In a typical session, the client remains fully clothed and lies on the massage table. As therapist, I place my hands very lightly on different body areas. I listen, in an expansive way, to the client’s system, and move in accordance with signals I receive from the system, as I continue to listen and remain present.

Sessions are often conducted in relative silence - though not necessarily always. There’s no rule of thumb.

The ability to tune into and access deep stillness is available always...this can be deeply restful to the nervous system. In this state of calm, expansive restfulness we can begin to feel very refreshed, recharged, revitalized, and emerge from the session with new perspectives, feeling truly re-inspired.

Because of the atmosphere of deep safety, that is vital for this work, it does feel like we step outside the box for a while and a sense of creativity with new insights can be felt as a result…bringing with it a sense of being uplifted, energized, and joyful.

Sessions typically last between 50”-1h.

Because of its focus on the health in the system most conditions can benefit from BCST.

In my experience it also lends itself very well to distance sessions, which I also do. Suitable for clients who don’t want to/can’t travel for sessions.

Contact Details:
Phone: 086 3660229

Ferga Hira Mc Manus
Ferga Hira Mc Manus

2020 Design by Triskel Centre

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