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Alazne Larrinaga

Alexander Technique, Yoga Teacher and Exercise Physiologist

Tel: +353 863545692

Galway, Ireland

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Alison Talbot Brady

Beauty & Skin Care  

086 3691115

Galway, Ireland

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Anna Swiston

Psychotherapist (Gestalt) and Psychologist     

085 751 8997

Galway, Ireland

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Bernadette Glynn

Massage, Sports Injury, Physical Therapy, Reflexology

086 8517488

Galway, Ireland

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Connie Masterson

Counselling & Psychotherapy MIACP & MIAHIP

087 6697808

Galway, Ireland

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Elaine Griffin

CNM qualified Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist and a Goiz certified Bio-magnetic Pair Therapist

Galway, Ireland

Ferga Hira Mc Manus

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist

086 3660229

Galway, Ireland

Geraldine Donnelly

Counsellor & Psychotherapist 

086 8150385

Galway, Ireland

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Karen Walsh


087 9157370

Galway, Ireland

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Margaret Blake

Child, Parent and Family Counsellor, SW003738


Galway, Ireland

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Mary Murphy

Alexander Technique


Galway, Ireland

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Maura Clancy

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
Sports Massage

087 6470651

Galway, Ireland

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Maureen Lynch

Counselling & Psychotherapy (MIACP)

086 367 9741

Galway, Ireland

Norah Coyne

Healing Intuitive, Sound Healer, Intuitive Body worker, Certified Angel Healing Practitioner (Virtue) and Angel and Atlantis Teacher with the Diana Cooper Foundation School of Angels and Ascension, Moon Mna Facilitator, Reiki and IET Master Teacher & Practitioner, Crystal Therapist, Meditation Facilitator, Physical Therapist, Complementary Holistic Therapist, Tutor and Life skills Consultant.

087 0563411

Galway, Ireland

Regina O’Roarke

Life Coach and Restorative Yoga Teacher

Galway, Ireland

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Sara Howlin


087 926 2669

Galway, Ireland

Sheena Kelly


(089) 4226919

Galway, Ireland

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Therese Moylan


Tel: 087 9187885

Galway, Ireland

2020 Design by Triskel Centre

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